San Jose State University - Resources

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Community Resources
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Meet the Creators ~ Team #EmbraceYourself

Team #EmbraceYourself was founded on February 11, 2017 as part of The Braven Accelerator Program.

Six aspiring fellows - Erik, Jimmy, Liliana, Leslie, Victoria, and Shannon- sought guidance from their Leadership Coach, Vikki.

Together, they endeavored, they perservered, and they achieved. They became leaders that could make differences within their community.

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Website Feedback

If you have feedback (i.e. additions of new resources, website format, information correction, reporting dead links, etc.) please click the link below. It will redirect you to a Google Form to fill out.

Quick reminder - this is a community project! We would not have been able to create this without your input. If there is anything you would like to add, please suggest it!

Thank you for checking out the Resource Hub!

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